Luxury Boulevard® Healthy Skin Diet
Welcome back, skincare besties! In our previous blogs, we went over how to cleanse and maintain skin properly. Today we will discuss how to maintain healthy skin with our diet. Diet is defined as the food or drinks that we consume regularly.
Diet is a critical factor in maintaining a healthy skin care regimen. Choosing or following a diet consisting of raw fruits, raw vegetables, and other foods can assist in skin cleansing. An unhealthy diet can cause skin eruptions to occur. Skin eruptions can develop in the form of acne, bumps, rashes, pimples, boils, black & whiteheads, and pus-filled blemishes.
Water consumption is also a vital part of our diets. Drinking water aids in hydrating the skin, and hydrating the skin improves elasticity promoting fewer wrinkles and reducing puffiness. Water also aids the skin in balancing pH and flushes toxins. Water’s key benefits for skin are that it helps skin heal faster, promotes moisture, and reduces/clears acne & pimples.
What to Eat?
To aid in a healthy skin diet, we must include raw fruits and vegetables. Also, other foods such as raw nuts, raw seeds, beans, brown rice, and whole grains are just as important. Examples of these foods are oranges, strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, kale, carrots, cucumbers, walnuts, almonds, sweet potatoes, kidney beans, wheat, and millet. These are not a complete list, but a few to give you an idea.
Things to Avoid
There are quite a few things that we should avoid on this healthy skincare journey. Some things that we use may not seem harmful at first sight, but they are drugs. Things like white sugar, cigarettes, coffee, soft drinks, and alcohol are drugs that can cause different forms of skin eruptions.
Following a healthy diet as outlined in this blog and using Luxury Boulevard® Skincare products will lead you on the road to healthy skin. What goes internally and externally into our bodies affects our overall health. We all know that “Health is Wealth,” now that you have this information let’s get luxurious skin together! See you next time, skincare besties!